Bauter Dentistry & Aesthetics in Boise, ID


added on: December 30, 2021
woman with tooth pain

Cavities are one of the most common dental issues your dentist in Boise treats every day, especially for patients with a bit of a sweet tooth. Fortunately, fillings today are more convenient, comfortable, and affordable than ever. However, sometimes there’s a little sensitivity post-filling treatment. While the discomfort is generally very mild, we understand that… Read More

added on: December 17, 2021
Bauter Dentistry & Aesthetics

Happy Holidays from all of your friends at our Boise dental office! As we all celebrate and gather again with our loved ones, there tends to be an abundance of something other than love, and that’s sugary sweets. We all know what sugar can do to your smile, but it can be not-so-good for your… Read More

added on: November 24, 2021
Bauter Dentistry & Aesthetics

Nearly everyone experiences some type of tooth sensitivity at some point in their life. Usually, this sensitivity comes and goes when teeth are exposed to food or drinks that are hot or cold. However, it may be more concerning if you experience tooth sensitivity or pain when you chew, brush, or touch your teeth. Here… Read More

added on: November 10, 2021
Bauter Dentistry & Aesthetics

Our teeth are essential to our health and well-being, but unfortunately, they can also be one of the most fragile parts of our bodies. Cavities, broken or missing teeth, and gum disease all weaken your teeth and can cause you serious problems down the road if they’re not taken care of properly. Thankfully, there are… Read More

added on: October 15, 2021
clock face

Did you know that dental insurance benefits can expire if they’re not used? While some dental plans renew at odd times during the year, most plans renew on January 1st. This means that if you haven’t used all of your benefits, you’re missing out on some dental care that you’ve earned. Luckily, your dentist in… Read More

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