Bauter Dentistry & Aesthetics in Boise, ID


added on: June 17, 2022
Bauter Dentistry & Aesthetics in Boise, ID

If you’re missing one or even several teeth, you may be considering dental implants from your dentist in Boise. After all, dental implants are an excellent way to replace your natural tooth as well as the tooth root. They’re permanent, secure, and can transform your life. But just how painful is it to get dental… Read More

added on: June 13, 2022
Bauter Dentistry & Aesthetics in Boise, ID

Now that we have your attention, the truth is, we don’t really have a big dental secret. But we do have some interesting news. Researchers have compiled evidence that supports the idea that good dental health can help slow down the aging process, and who doesn’t want to stay younger for longer? Let’s check in… Read More

added on: May 25, 2022
Bauter Dentistry & Aesthetics in Boise, ID

Have you been waking up for years with a sore jaw and you write it off as getting older or simply deal with it? Are there consistent headaches plaguing your mornings, making it difficult to start your day without pain? These issues (and many others) could be caused by bruxism or grinding and clenching your… Read More

added on: May 6, 2022
Bauter Dentistry & Aesthetics in Boise, ID

Summer in Boise is a fun, carefree time for everyone, with all of the exciting events and activities available every day. This time of year, it can be easy to take a break from our regular routines, which is part of what makes a summer vacation so necessary. Breaking free from our day-to-day creates time… Read More

added on: April 27, 2022
Bauter Dentistry & Aesthetics in Boise, ID

Minty, refreshing, and cleansing – these are some of the ways you may describe how your mouth feels after rinsing it with mouthwash. But is it possible to have too much of a good thing? While mouthwash can help reduce the number of bacteria in your mouth, should you use mouthwash regularly? Let’s turn to… Read More

added on: April 15, 2022
Bauter Dentistry & Aesthetics in Boise, ID

Everybody knows that dentists are constantly talking about the dangers of eating too much sugar. After all, sugar is one of the leading causes of cavities in both children and adults. But did you know that there are other cavity-causing culprits out there besides sugar? Join your dentist in Boise as we share some of the… Read More

added on: April 7, 2022
Bauter Dentistry & Aesthetics in Boise, ID

Bad breath is one of the most common dental problems that can cause embarrassment. Now, there’s a difference between temporary bad breath and bad breath that seems to last forever. For example, you may experience bad breath after your morning cup of coffee. But after brushing your teeth it can dissipate on its own. When… Read More

added on: March 30, 2022
caution tape - warning sign

An obvious broken tooth or other severe dental emergency isn’t the only sign that something may be wrong with your teeth. The truth is, there are some early signs that can let you know that something isn’t quite right and that you should see your dentist in Boise sooner rather than later. Toothache Having a… Read More

added on: February 24, 2022
Bauter Dentistry & Aesthetics

If you see white spots on your teeth, you might wonder what they mean and whether or not you should be worried about them. Rest assured that many times, white spots on teeth are harmless. However, white spots on teeth can occasionally indicate an underlying condition that could eventually cause more serious problems if left… Read More

added on: January 13, 2022
Bauter Dentistry & Aesthetics

If you’re debating on whether to buy string floss or a water flosser, you’re probably wondering if there’s really a difference between the two. After all, there are dozens of types of products out there that claim to help keep your teeth clean, but all of them have pros and cons, so it can be… Read More

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